2 Days in Taipei, a Perfect Itinerary

Taiwan advertises itself as the “heart of Asia” and we couldn’t agree more. Rarely have we felt so welcome in a foreign country as we did in Taipei. 

Not only is the city full of friendly people but it’s also where you can find some of the best food, especially street food! 

We’ve put together a 2-day itinerary for Taipei that will have you on top of the once tallest building in the world and also take you on a tour of its lively districts and some amazing food!

2 Days in Taipei – Day One

Taiwanese Breakfast

Start your two days in Taipei by sampling some of the best food in town: soy milk!

Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall

One of the most important buildings in Taipei, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall turns your gaze upward and keeps it there.

Taipei 101: Best Views Of and From the Tower

The views upstairs give you 360 degrees of spectacular views, day or night, so its money well spent.

Din Tai Fung

Even though there are many locations nowadays (and in multiple countries) it’s still a requirement for first-time visitors to dine at Din Tai Fung. It originated in Taipei, after all!

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